I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!.....John 14:12-14
How did big brother Jesus do all the amazing things He did? Yes, He was Dad in the flesh, so is that how He did it? Did He just pull out His “God card” whenever He wanted to make things happen? Yes, He was Dad in the flesh, but no, that is not how He did it, for He was also human.
Philippians 2:5-8 tells us that even though Jesus was indeed Dad in the flesh, He set aside all His Godly power in order to know what it is like to be limited as a human. This is also how He was the fulfillment of Scripture such as Hebrews 4:14-16. So how did He perform all the miracles He did? The answer is found in His baptism. Not only do we find this answer here, but also one of the most beautiful illustrations of the harmony of the trinity as well.
In Matthew 3:13-17, we see God the Son, Jesus, submitting his human will to God the Father and, as a result, being empowered by God the Holy Spirit to do everything God the Father wanted Him to do. In submitting His human will in performing all the miracles He did, Jesus didn’t do all He did for show or based upon what His humanness may have been tempted to do (Matt 4:1-11, 26:36-42, 26:52-54), but what Dad wanted Him to as attested to in John 5:19. He submitted His human will as God the Son, to God the Father, and since Dad won’t say no to His own will, that is why Dad empowered Jesus with the Holy Spirit to do it and how Jesus did all He did.
So why do I share all this? Because, the exciting part is, Jesus told us in John 14:12-14 above, that we are capable of doing all this, and greater things, as well by following His example. As professing followers of Jesus, if we too submit our human will as children of Dad’s, to His will, He will empower us to do all He wants us to do as well. The often common problem though, is that upon realizing and accepting we are His children and, as a result, receiving his Holy Spirit, we stop there, content to just be saved, and then just wait around for Jesus to return.
I’m not suggesting not being grateful for being saved. What I am saying though is that Scripture suggests that while we who are redeemed are sitting around waiting for Jesus to return, His return is waiting on us to go. Being redeemed by Dad doesn’t stop with us as Jesus attested to in Scripture such as Mark 16:15-18. Once we believe and receive His Holy Spirit as our ancestors did in Acts 2, we receive it not to just sit around, but to then go and do as He commanded in Scripture such as Acts 1:1-11, suggesting that works performed as such are from something other than Dad is blasphemy of the Spirit as Jesus eluded to in Matthew 12:22-37, and anything less has eternal consequences attached to it as He eluded to in Matthew 25:14-46.
With that, if you are reading this and either aren’t in a relationship with Dad or aren’t sure of the status of your relationship, please click here, read, reflect, and respond as led to. If you have any questions, comments, or need more info concerning anything here or on the site, please respond either here, via email, or on face book privately or publicly. If you make any decisions in response to anything in this article or the site, please feel free to share as led to. With that, may Dad continue to bless you all richly!
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