Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Love Letter

Dear brother or sister,
You are receiving this because God (aka: Dad) loves you and so do we.  Dad is the invisible, but very real, creator of everything and everyone, including you, and he created you to both love you and be loved by you. 
He created you to have a perfect love relationship with him, which includes the freedom to be or not to be in the relationship.  If you are currently not in a relationship with him or not sure if you are, and have ever done anything wrong you know you shouldn’t have done (we all have), that is the reason you are currently not in a relationship with him and there is nothing you can do yourself to change that. 
Fortunately though, Dad can do something about it, and did!  He loves you so much, He sent one of our brothers, Jesus, to show us how to live the best life possible.  Jesus then died for us for everything we’ve done that separates us from Dad.  Three days later though, Dad brought him back to life as a promise that if we simply believe all this whether we fully understand it or not, and live our lives as best we can as proof of our belief, that He will do the same for us once we die here as well.
If as you read this, you believe all this, then welcome back to the family!  If you want your restored relationship with Dad to grow, then talk to him every day, listen as he talks to you, read his book every day known as the Bible to learn how to recognize his voice more, and then do what he invites you to be a part of. 
One of the best ways to get better at doing all this is to hang out with some of our other brothers and sisters attempting to do the same.  Maybe we are the ones you’d like to hang out with.  If so or if you’d like more information concerning this letter, let us know. 
Dad and your brothers and sisters

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