Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
We have been doing Dad’s work He’s led us into entering into seven weeks now and beginning with this, I will attempt to journal our progress along the way.
We viewed our first week out as an awesome way to celebrate my sister Jaime’s birthday which was the same day. We soon realized though, the enemy had no plans of giving up His territory easily, but rather to crash the party through a rainstorm that nearly stalled one of our vehicles on Bridge Street, our scheduled babysitting falling through, and Jaime’s little girl sucking a bead up her nose which led to an unexpected ER visit.
Fortunately though, His children Dad chose and will continue to choose to wage this particular battle are warriors at heart. Even though Satan is like a lion, he is a mere kitten to the One we serve, the King of the lions, the Lion of Judah! The One we serve bounds and gags the enemy, crushes his head, eats him alive, and leaves him for dead! And its by this example, power, and authority that as I write this, we are entering week seven (or as my wife put it, I said, no homeless people in Chilli huh? We’ll see about thatJ
If after reading this, Dad stirs you to get involved, there several ways to do so. First, pray for us constantly as that is the foundation of all we do. Second, you can donate either monetarily or supply wise through either this site to the right or through Delivering Hope. Third, you can gather supplies and join us on Thursday evenings at the location mentioned on the sign to the right of this site. You can participate by engaging one, any, or all of these options and don’t feel obligated to come out every Thursday if you can only do it sometimes.
Finally, if you are reading this and either aren’t in a relationship with Dad or aren’t sure of the status of your relationship, please click here, read, reflect, and respond as led to. If you have any questions, comments, or need more info concerning anything here or on the site, please respond either here, via email, or on face book privately or publicly. If you make any decisions in response to anything in this article or the site, please feel free to share as led to. With that, may Dad continue to bless you all richly!
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