Monday, September 16, 2013

To Each His Own

Now you are cursed and banished from the ground, which has swallowed your brother’s blood.  No longer will the ground yield good crops for you, no matter how hard you work! From now on you will be a homeless wanderer on the earth.-Genesis 4:11-12 

This curse Cain cast upon himself was due to a "to each his own" attitude.  Its this same attitude that has our world in the mess its in today.  Our world consists of 7 billion plus people running around with a to each his own attitude which is why its in the shape it is to include why we have injustice and poverty. 

This approach makes it extremely difficult to discern and exercise truth.  It tells us its okay for those with plenty to have while others are dying of starvation and such for if they just got off their butts and worked they could have as well.  It also tells us things such as the "mark" Dad later placed on Cain in Genesis 4:15 was that He made him a black man and that was his curse(yes I actually had a dear friend of mine who has been a Christian all their life tell me this is what they were taught) rather than it being a mark of love and protection as actually indicated in the Scripture.  Anyone who really knows Dad and His word knows to each his own attitudes as such are not truth or the way He intended things to be.   

So what can be done to get rid of this attitude?  The first thing is to ask Dad to show you how He wants things to be rather than continuing in your own way.  Then you can listen to Him for direction regarding this and avoiding this being your own or someone elses interpretation is the importance of being in His word everyday for yourself so to recognize His voice.  Then finally do what He tells you to do which ultimately revolves around loving Him by loving one another.  In the end this approach makes it HIS own rather than to each his own which is ultimately what our world really needs to become a better place so He can then begin blessing both you and others even more deeply:-) 

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