Sunday, September 22, 2013

Feast or Famine?

At that time a severe famine struck the land of Canaan, forcing Abram to go down to Egypt, where he lived as a foreigner.-Genesis 12:10

In the above Scripture, famine struck forcing Abram to go to Egypt.  Today many are forced into similar situations due to poverty and such as well.  They are forced to go hungry or to resort to drastic measures to survive.  Some of these individuals are in these situations due to choices they made while others due to no fault of their own.  Whatever the case, we are told by Dad to care for one another and with eternal consequences attached to whether we respond to this or not( Matthew 25:31-46 ).  So what can we do about it?
The first thing is to pray for those in poverty and ask Dad to open up your eyes and heart to it.  Locally, He may lead you to do something such as included in this link for a homeless person, to pray with and for them and to give them a hug to remind them that both Dad and we love and care for them.  Globally, he may lead you to check out and respond to one of the organizations included in this enclosed link that feeds and does other things to help those in need all around the world. 
In the end, whatever you do, do in response to praying, listening, and then doing what He leads you to do so He can begin and continue to bless both you and others even more deeply:-)


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