"If you can't be positive then at least be quiet." A dear friend of mine posted this quote and Dad has been teaching me this concept and the power of silence at times. Jesus exercised this so to hear from Dad before being crucified, resurrected and then placed at the right hand of authority (Matthew 26:62-63, 27:12-14). We also personally know the value of a quiet understanding ear in some times of need as well.
About a year ago I had the honor of ministering to an individual who I learned had family he needed to connect to for both their and his benefit. I'm convinced if I had pressed him on this along the way that he probably would have been resistant and probably would not have wanted me to visit him anymore. Instead I just continued to visit him as a reminder that both Dad and we loved him. About a year and a half later he reconnected with his family.
Before he left the area to reconnect with his family, he shared with us how our unconditional love towards him through our visits allowed him to reconnect and hear from Dad and that Dad and He worked out him reconnecting to his family. That is being still and knowing Dad is God and trusting and responding to that allowed this man to reconnect to his family and brought honor to Dad since restoration as such is what Dad is all about.
And doing this is simple. For the best sake of everything we do, we should constantly be in His word so to recognize His voice, pray, take time to LISTEN, and then do what He tells us to so that He can begin and continue to bless both us and others even more deeply:-)
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