In continuing to grow in, learn, and follow Dad’s impulses, He asked me to write this in response to the above question. The reason is because someone(or many someones) besides me needs to know the answer. Initial response tends to be that He rescues in order to use us for His purposes. While it is true we become useful to Him upon rescue, that is not His primary motivation. His primary motivation for rescue is love.
Whether He rescues you into eternal salvation or from potentially life-damaging physical circumstances, though it is true He can now utilize you due to the rescue, the primary motivation for the rescue is because He loves you.
I can share my own life story as a prime example. I have been married to my wonderful wife for going on eight years now, we have two wonderful boys, and I am currently embarking upon a dream in the form of a career He both equipped me and laid a passion in my heart to do.
Anyone who knows me and the path I have taken to get here though, knows it is not due to who I am or anything I have done. No, I am here because of who He is and what He has done and continues to do. He is Dad and by His grace, with the biggest example being what big brother Jesus did on the cross, is why I both am who I am (a son) and where I am (living life with and for Him). And the only reason that fully explains why the all-powerful Creator of everything did and still does everything He does, such as allowing us to call Him Dad, is because He loves us.
Dad had me write this because I am daily growing in this truth. He had me share it because someone (or many someones) needed to hear this for the first time or as a reminder. If you are hearing this for the first time, pause after doing so, ask Him to prove it to you, and then be still a moment or so to allow Him to do it. If this is simply a needed reminder, take a moment to both thank Him and bask in His presence.
If you have any comments or questions upon absorbing this, publicly or privately, let me know. Finally as always, I would appreciate your continued prayers as we continue to walk out the life we believe Dad has for us, and may He continue to bless you all!
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