Music for Meditation
Dad answers this question with an emphatic yes. We tend to know this when it comes to pointing out one another’s flaws. However, we often plead the fifth when it comes to caring for one another, particularly when it comes to our brothers and sisters who are less materially blessed than we are. Fortunately, Dad is not the one who modeled this behavior for us(pleading the fifth)and is very clear with His answer to this question, who are brothers and sisters are, what His will is toward them, and our part in that will.
Dad stated through big brother Jesus that His family is anyone who does His will. He then further stated what that will is, as well as the consequences of not fulfilling it. Richard Stearn, CEO of World Vision and author of an awesome book entitled The Hole in Our Gospel, rephrased this will and consequence in a powerful way that makes it relevant today:
“For I was hungry, while you had all you needed. I was thirsty, but you drank bottled water. I was a stranger, and you wanted me deported. I needed clothes, but you needed more clothes. I was sick, and you pointed out the behaviors that led to my sickness. I was in prison, and you said I was getting what I deserved.”
So what are some things you can do to fulfill your part? The first thing is to pray. Pray for our brothers and sisters who are less blessed materially…..regardless of the reason! Pray for their protection, that Dad would supply their needs, and then what your role might be in that supplication. Then take some time to be still and listen to His answer regarding that role. In discerning this, He will not expect you to do it all, for that is His job. However, He does expect you to do your part.
In discerning His voice, here are a few examples of some actions He may lead you to take. He may lead you to simply pray for and/or with others in a very specific way such as for practical healing. He could lead you to regularly tithing and/or donating of your time, talent, and/or treasure to a church and/or other organization if you are not doing so already. He could have you sponsor and/or adopt a child locally or elsewhere who needs a home. Previously noted Scripture as well as His exclamation through John the Baptist point to some examples of what He may ask you to do.
Despite what the call may look like, if you claim to be a child of Dad’s, then you are your brothers’/sisters’ keeper. Your brothers and sisters are all humans and Dad’s will for you is to love and take care of them like He does you. Many think Dad’s will, will be accomplished whether they respond or not. That may not necessarily be the case as, for example, He tells us His will is that none should perish and yet also reveals that many will. You may be the person through whom He wants to fulfill a specific part of His will. You can begin fulfilling that role in His plan for the family today by praying, listening, and then doing what He tells you to do.
love this post Mike (you already knew that:) but its so true. our calling will be different we can't all be the arm or legs that would make a pretty strange looking body. The beauty of it is that our calling is already named we just need to ask out creator.